Indian Head Massage

An Indian head massage treatment, starts with the neck and shoulders, working into this area especially as it often holds a lot of tension. Your back will also be massaged working around the shoulder blades and spine. Following this, flowing motions will move to the arms then up the neck massaging and stretching to relieve any stress and tension. Finally, the scalp is massaged along the acuppresure points on the head, followed up by the face and the area around the eyes. 

This massage requires no oils is performed over loose clothing so there is no need to undress saving you both time and dignity. It is also a great choice for those who suffer sensitivities to any products. 

This massage may be coupled with a bespoke blend of essential oils, used with varying specific benefits for skin and hair health.



Indian Head Massage £35 

Indian head massage £40 with bespoke oil blend